Wednesday, July 1, 2009

While I was off in Arizona sweating (110 is too hot to be pregnant), Robert was home working away in the nursery. Many of you have heard of the dreaded blue room. Everyone has one of these in their house, probably in a different color. It's the room where everything goes that doesn't fit into any other place in the house. Well, our blue room is no more, as Robert made it ready for the baby while I was in AZ. Thanks to the help of our friend Scott (and a few interns), they were able to take everything off to storage and empty the room for painting. The blue room is now a soothing yellow and green. I had many people ask to see the wonderful handiwork, so I'll keep the typing short, and get right to the pictures.

Also, miraculously, our glider and ottoman already came in - so it is the only thing setup in the room. But, I figure this corner gives a good feel for the color theme in the room.

For the first shower, we also received the hamper that matches our bedding. Since it was easy to take out of the box, we figured it would give a good feel for what the room will look like.

Aren't these blocks fun? My oldest (tenure, not age) friend Kim made these for me for my baby shower. She claims not to be crafty, but you can be the judge of that.