Friday, February 4, 2011

Toddler or Puppy - is there really a difference?

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between human babies and puppies? I'm beginning to think that the answer is NOT MUCH. See if any of these ring a bell...

1. They chew on everything
2. They have trouble walking in a straight line at first
3. They knock things over
4. They get into the trash can
5. They pee when/where they're not supposed to
6. They can only tell you what they want through crying
7. They accidentally injure those they love

I'm sure you were nodding along in agreement up until #7...let me explain. Last week, Aunt Jo called us to tell us that she had a black eye. And no, unlike Michelle on the Bachelor, how it came about was NOT a mystery. Turns out her 7 mo. old "puppy" Hershey the newfoundland had gotten himself all caught up in a ball of knitting yarn and was THRASHING all about. When Jo went to untangle him, chaos ensued, and he head butted her smack dab in the eye. Looked like someone had hit her square in the eye. Now, you're probably thinking "what does that have to do with toddlers?"

Well, Wednesday night, Casey, Robert and I were playing tickle time on the bed. Tickle time always brings peals of laughter and much flopping about by the Casey man. It is our evening ritual that happens shortly after the boys get home. Well, instead of flopping, HE decided to head butt me square in the nose. Much swelling ensued, along with a short debate about whether I should have it looked at. Casey, no worse for wear.

And, there you have it...toddlers and puppies are exactly the same.

On another note, we are up to 16 teeth, which REALLY explains Grumpy McGrumpypants. Last night we were playing in the tickle zone, the ultimate way to get Casey to open his mouth and show off the chompers, when lo and behold, we spotted the top two molars that erupted. All that are left are his very back molars, which are not supposed to come in until two years. We can only hope that Casey is going to get a reprieve from all the pain. He has been one clingy, grumpy, unhappy boy lately (for good reason).

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fourteen, fourteen teeth...ha ha ha

Yes, that's right, somehow in the excitement of eating, crawling, and walking...I forgot to give the tooth update. Casey is up to 14 teeth, including 2 dreaded molars. After they are all fully in, he'll have everything but top molars and back bottom molars.

Right now, he is looking a little like the Count...since all you can see of his top cuspids are sharp vampire points.

And you may ask, for what does he use these teeth??? Well, last night, he finally conceded and tried something I made him homemade. AND, it was meat no less. Robert and I were having chicken cordon bleu. So, I cut a few pieces of mini nuggets and breaded them with bread crumbs and parmesan. And guess what, after a few reject bites, and being left alone with them and no fruit on his plate, he actually ate a few bites of homemade chicken nuggets!

Small victories!

Snowmaggedon 2011

Last week's snow storm is the perfect example of first time parent syndrome attacks. Thursday afternoon Robert and Casey made it safely home around 3:30 pm, before the massive commute disaster occured. We were tucked in safely for the night, just waiting for the snow to begin, foolishly thinking that the snow would come and the roads would be clear in the morning to get Casey to daycare.

Silly us, things were going fine until 7:30 when we heard a HUGE explosion and saw red light reflecting in the snow falling outside. Then, the power went out. And stayed out.

First time mom here decided it was time to panic! I wasn't worried about how cold I would be during the night, but how Casey would manage. So, after much panic, and no news of when we would get power, we cozied Casey into footed fleece pajamas, covered him with a blanket, and put him to bed.

3am rolls around, and I wake up. Note: Casey did not wake me up, I woke up on my own, stressed out. I went in to check in on him, since well, the condo was getting chilly. He was still covered by the blanket and sleeping soundly. So, I tried to go back to sleep. And tossed, and turned, and tossed and turned. I finally got back to sleep around 5am. At 6am, when Casey woke up, we still had no power, BUT, daycare was open as the roads had cleared up. So, we decided to pack everyone up and go to Robert's office where we could all work, and Casey could go to daycare.

And, Casey, warm and snug as a bug in his footed jammers. His face and hands were nice and warm. He, however, was cranky that there was no light and couldn't have his morning books. So, he got a great night's sleep and I stayed up tossing and turning. Silly, silly me.

Our power came on in time for us to head home for the night and give us a chance to break out our inflatable sled for Casey. Here's a video of him "sledding" in the snow outside our house.