Sunday, February 7, 2010


Casey got to experience his first snowfall on his face this weekend when we were trapped inside for the whole weekend due to snowmageddon 2010. Once the snow finally started to slow down midday on Saturday, we decided it was time to bundle up and check out the damage from eye level. So, we packed him into the baby bjorn (thanks Allison), wrapped a warm jacket around him, and found him a knit hat. He was very confused about the cold flakes falling all around, but on an up note, didn't scream and spit up after being put into the baby bjorn!

I'm not sure what he is going to think in a month or so when we finally get to go outside for real! He may not know what to do in the sunshine. And, this is one downside of working from home. While the rest of DC/NOVA will be enjoying a snow day, I will still be working.

So far, this is ranking the 3rd most snow in HISTORY for DC, and it doesn't appear that it is over yet. We are looking at possibly 5-7 more inches in Tuesday. At this rate, I will never drive my car again. We spend a good part of our day looking out the window and watching the foolish people who are trying to drive on our unplowed street, and keep getting stuck. It does make me wonder why we dug out our cars, since we can't drive on the roads. I think collectively, Robert and I have shoveled for about 4 hours already. We have a clean parking space, and can get into the driver side of each of our cars. They may be frozen solid to the snow on the passenger side, so, it will be interesting when we next need to drive, since it may take a month for all this snow to melt.

But, we survived. We were lucky we never lost power, and were smart enough to go to the grocery store before the storm. So, for the most part, we just relaxed and enjoyed some quality baby time.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Week One

As promised, I am getting back to writing more often! I have almost completed my first week back at work. On day one, I was very optimistic, thinking that this whole schedule was going to work just great; Casey woke up once during the night (which Robert managed), and then again at 6am. I fed him, dressed him, and sent him off to daycare with daddy. I was then able to get in about 45 minutes of a workout tape in before my workday started. It was just what I hoped would happen! It hasn't happened again since. Most days this week, Casey has woken up at 4 and stayed up! Of course, by the time Robert is off to daycare, I am ready to crash again, and have skipped my workout and slept until it was time to work again.

Here is Casey with his most favorite stuffed frog.

Today was promising, as Casey was back to his Friday schedule, except it snowed overnight, so instead of working out, I shoveled some snow. Kind of a workout, but not really. I'm not really sure when we moved to the midwest, but this snow is getting kind of old. We are anticipating an additional 1-2 FEET this weekend. Who would have expected this???

Casey had his first playdate outside of daycare with his new friend Maddie. The babies played on the activity mat, even holding hands a bit, while the adults enjoyed some brunch and mimosas! It was very sweet to watch them interact, that is, when Casey bothered to notice another baby was there. Just like a man, he was more interested in his play gym toys than the lovely lady next to him. We'll have to work on this with him.