Monday, April 13, 2009


As is the same I'm sure for many exptectant moms, I've started to ponder what name we may call the alien beast inside. And, while I am on board with waiting till the little tyke comes (lest we have an oops with the ultrasound), I am ok hypothesizing about possible names.

Robert - not so much.

He won't even utter the words of names he LIKES, as it is TOO soon to be thinking about names. Although, we did have a funny moment at the bookstore the other day. We stood in the baby section, pondering the difference between the 10,000 Baby Names and the 100,000 Baby Names books. Do all of you know the difference between these two books? The difference is that one has 90,000 more names that we will NOT name our child. Since, if we have to look it up because we've never heard of it - it's too weird a name for us.

I'm a firm believer in two syllable names when you have a last name that is a single syllable. So, I'm quietly taking notes of names I like - storing them up for the day when Robert decides that we can start thinking about names. If you have name suggestions (no Roberta, Sparky or Noah), feel free to post them for our consideration.

1 comment:

  1. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law have friends who called their unknown "Cletus the Fetus."
    I wish we had thought of that.
    If it's a girl, Taquito Dushay, and if it's a boy, Orangello Lopez.
