Thursday, April 9, 2009

Everything is Hot

Well, I've heard my friends say that you fall into two pregnancy categories:
"Can't get enough spicy food" or "Suddenly spicy food is much hotter than it used to be"

I figured I might end up in the former category with my love for hot food - but am sad to realize that I actually landed in the latter. Don't get me wrong, spiciness has not yet affected my DESIRE for spicy food (when I want to eat, that is), just my tolerance. It's just odd how everything seems so spicy to me now.

We went to the ob yesterday for another ultrasound. Here are the stats:
2.17 cm (.85 inches)
bloblike with start of umbilical cord

For those who are curiuos:
  • Yes we're going to find out if it's a boy or girl
  • Nina is convinced it is a girl
  • Robert is 50% sure it's a girl
  • For now, we're calling it Frankie

1 comment:

  1. Robert's really going out on a limb with that 50% certainty, isn't he? He IS aware that there are only two options, right? :D
    We are looking forward to hearing all about Frankie!
