Now, for those of you who haven't been to our condo, what you need to know is that my desk is gated off from the little hands of Casey with a baby gate, so he can't get to the cords and other fascinating things in the desk itself. Up until now, his little hands have only been able to reach the outer edge of the top of the desk, so keeping things out of his reach has been quite easy.
Well, those times are over. As I sat amused, Casey proceeded to climb up onto his chair and stand on it and start reaching for anything and everything that was now within his reach. All of a sudden, it wasn't so funny anymore. We quickly moved anything lightweight out of his reach, which puzzled him for a minute. Not to be daunted by his new ability to reach the top of the desk, he climbed back down, picked up a plastic car, and climbed back up...deciding that the top of the desk made quite the perfect raceway for his little car.
Thankfully, we haven't seen much more of the climbing, but, I think that's only because it is the middle of the week, and he is not home long enough to get bored by items within his reach on the ground.
Casey has also added a new food item to his diet. Bacon. I call it the ultimate equalizer. I've known vegetarians who eat no meat, but somehow sneak in bacon, as well as a kosher jew who was known to pork out on a little pork fat now and then. It is not suprising to me, then, that Casey would also fall into its alluring grasp. We were eating brunch with some friends, and as usual, Casey wanted to "try" everything on my plate. Usually if it is a meat product, this entails touching it to the tip of his tongue, making a horrible face, and then dropping the food back on his plate. Did this happen with bacon you may ask? Oh no, in went the bacon which he chewed happily for some time.
I ask myself if this is something about which I should worry, and then I slapped my own head and said, duh, at least it's protein. And, since the little stinker is still only in the 5th percentile of weight, I guess he can afford an occasional piece or two of weekend bacon.
Casey has also taken to napping on the couch. I thought you would enjoy some time lapse images...
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