I am delighted to be today's guest blogger on Frosting for the Cause! Frosting for the Cause is a project that will span 2011. Every day, a guest blogger posts a story about someone in their life impacted by cancer and a recipe, baking in that person's honor. All bloggers commit to making a donation to a cancer fighting organization and donate their baked goods to a cancer center or the like.
Please enjoy the stories on the site, and if you, too, have been impacted by cancer, join the project!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Ascent to New Heights
Well, I knew the day would come. I had hoped to avoid it, but I knew it was looming out there just waiting to rear its ugly head. On Saturday, we had just finished decorating cupcakes to take to a Race for Hope bake sale fund raiser in order to raise money and awareness for brain tumor research. I was sitting at my desk, checking email, when I saw Casey pick up his plastic mini chair and carry it over the desk. Not knowing what kind of trouble he was about to cause, I sat an watched, amused.
Now, for those of you who haven't been to our condo, what you need to know is that my desk is gated off from the little hands of Casey with a baby gate, so he can't get to the cords and other fascinating things in the desk itself. Up until now, his little hands have only been able to reach the outer edge of the top of the desk, so keeping things out of his reach has been quite easy.
Well, those times are over. As I sat amused, Casey proceeded to climb up onto his chair and stand on it and start reaching for anything and everything that was now within his reach. All of a sudden, it wasn't so funny anymore. We quickly moved anything lightweight out of his reach, which puzzled him for a minute. Not to be daunted by his new ability to reach the top of the desk, he climbed back down, picked up a plastic car, and climbed back up...deciding that the top of the desk made quite the perfect raceway for his little car.
Thankfully, we haven't seen much more of the climbing, but, I think that's only because it is the middle of the week, and he is not home long enough to get bored by items within his reach on the ground.
Casey has also added a new food item to his diet. Bacon. I call it the ultimate equalizer. I've known vegetarians who eat no meat, but somehow sneak in bacon, as well as a kosher jew who was known to pork out on a little pork fat now and then. It is not suprising to me, then, that Casey would also fall into its alluring grasp. We were eating brunch with some friends, and as usual, Casey wanted to "try" everything on my plate. Usually if it is a meat product, this entails touching it to the tip of his tongue, making a horrible face, and then dropping the food back on his plate. Did this happen with bacon you may ask? Oh no, in went the bacon which he chewed happily for some time.
I ask myself if this is something about which I should worry, and then I slapped my own head and said, duh, at least it's protein. And, since the little stinker is still only in the 5th percentile of weight, I guess he can afford an occasional piece or two of weekend bacon.
Casey has also taken to napping on the couch. I thought you would enjoy some time lapse images...
Now, for those of you who haven't been to our condo, what you need to know is that my desk is gated off from the little hands of Casey with a baby gate, so he can't get to the cords and other fascinating things in the desk itself. Up until now, his little hands have only been able to reach the outer edge of the top of the desk, so keeping things out of his reach has been quite easy.
Well, those times are over. As I sat amused, Casey proceeded to climb up onto his chair and stand on it and start reaching for anything and everything that was now within his reach. All of a sudden, it wasn't so funny anymore. We quickly moved anything lightweight out of his reach, which puzzled him for a minute. Not to be daunted by his new ability to reach the top of the desk, he climbed back down, picked up a plastic car, and climbed back up...deciding that the top of the desk made quite the perfect raceway for his little car.
Thankfully, we haven't seen much more of the climbing, but, I think that's only because it is the middle of the week, and he is not home long enough to get bored by items within his reach on the ground.
Casey has also added a new food item to his diet. Bacon. I call it the ultimate equalizer. I've known vegetarians who eat no meat, but somehow sneak in bacon, as well as a kosher jew who was known to pork out on a little pork fat now and then. It is not suprising to me, then, that Casey would also fall into its alluring grasp. We were eating brunch with some friends, and as usual, Casey wanted to "try" everything on my plate. Usually if it is a meat product, this entails touching it to the tip of his tongue, making a horrible face, and then dropping the food back on his plate. Did this happen with bacon you may ask? Oh no, in went the bacon which he chewed happily for some time.
I ask myself if this is something about which I should worry, and then I slapped my own head and said, duh, at least it's protein. And, since the little stinker is still only in the 5th percentile of weight, I guess he can afford an occasional piece or two of weekend bacon.
Casey has also taken to napping on the couch. I thought you would enjoy some time lapse images...
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Highs and Lows
Yesterday truly was a day of highs and lows with our little man. In general, the good news is that the teething and neverending diaper rash both seem to be ending and we have a boy who is sleeping normally again. While we get a random wakeup, most nights he sleeps through the night and is happy during the day and evening. And, with the healed up tushie, diaper changing has returned to a relative calm again. All of this leads to a much happier family.
I keep being amazed at how quickly he is learning new things. I went away for a work trip for four days, and by the time I came home he had progressed from "dipping" his spoon into food a little awkwardly to being able to feed himself a whole yogurt with most of it going into his mouth with the spoon upright. He has learned the sign for please, and now when he really wants something specific, he tells us "more please, more please". This is usually when offered the prized banana. Although yogurt often warrants the same plea.
Robert has also managed to teach him the itsy bitsy spider rather rapidly. We have a sing a long video that Casey actually enjoys watching and it has an itsy bitsy spider song. Last night while dancing, well, swaying, to the video, Casey made the hand movements of the spider crawling up! It was very sweet to see the little fingers moving in time to the music. Definitely a high!
So, we now have two whole videos that Casey will watch. Sing a Long songs and Bob the Builder. I never thought I'd be happy that Casey wanted to watch TV, but it is nice to put something on that makes Casey do a cute little dance!
We have also seen the return of lunch. This weekend, Casey ate a full lunch both days. Of course, this may be in part that he was offered up peanut butter and jelly, which he inhales at light speed. At least now we know he is getting more protein. And twice this week he has eaten more than bread and fruit at daycare for lunch.
As for the lows, well, it all starts with poo on the floor. How, may you ask, did poo end up on the floor? Well, it goes back to the diaper rash. Post-bath is Casey's favorite time to run around naked. And, usually, that is a safe no pee/poo time. It's also a good time to air him out to help keep away that diaper rash. Well, last night he was happily playing with his ring stacker after his bath, when I looked up and saw that he had made a little mess on the floor. And, it really does only take a split second for them to recognize what they've done and want to play. That split second is faster than you can say no and run the three feet over to where they are to prevent squish squish squish. Needless to say, after mommy yelled No Casey, Dirty at the top of her lungs, MANY tears erupted. Definitely a low!
But, now for some pictures.
Here is Casey at his library. I believe he was plotting whether or not he should pull down all the books onto the floor at once, or just bring me one to read.
And, here's a little close up. This is what happens when I try to take a picture of what he is wearing. I really need to get a camera with faster shutter speed so he doesn't have time to recognize my evil picture taking plans.
I keep being amazed at how quickly he is learning new things. I went away for a work trip for four days, and by the time I came home he had progressed from "dipping" his spoon into food a little awkwardly to being able to feed himself a whole yogurt with most of it going into his mouth with the spoon upright. He has learned the sign for please, and now when he really wants something specific, he tells us "more please, more please". This is usually when offered the prized banana. Although yogurt often warrants the same plea.
Robert has also managed to teach him the itsy bitsy spider rather rapidly. We have a sing a long video that Casey actually enjoys watching and it has an itsy bitsy spider song. Last night while dancing, well, swaying, to the video, Casey made the hand movements of the spider crawling up! It was very sweet to see the little fingers moving in time to the music. Definitely a high!
So, we now have two whole videos that Casey will watch. Sing a Long songs and Bob the Builder. I never thought I'd be happy that Casey wanted to watch TV, but it is nice to put something on that makes Casey do a cute little dance!
We have also seen the return of lunch. This weekend, Casey ate a full lunch both days. Of course, this may be in part that he was offered up peanut butter and jelly, which he inhales at light speed. At least now we know he is getting more protein. And twice this week he has eaten more than bread and fruit at daycare for lunch.
As for the lows, well, it all starts with poo on the floor. How, may you ask, did poo end up on the floor? Well, it goes back to the diaper rash. Post-bath is Casey's favorite time to run around naked. And, usually, that is a safe no pee/poo time. It's also a good time to air him out to help keep away that diaper rash. Well, last night he was happily playing with his ring stacker after his bath, when I looked up and saw that he had made a little mess on the floor. And, it really does only take a split second for them to recognize what they've done and want to play. That split second is faster than you can say no and run the three feet over to where they are to prevent squish squish squish. Needless to say, after mommy yelled No Casey, Dirty at the top of her lungs, MANY tears erupted. Definitely a low!
But, now for some pictures.
Here is Casey at his library. I believe he was plotting whether or not he should pull down all the books onto the floor at once, or just bring me one to read.
And, here's a little close up. This is what happens when I try to take a picture of what he is wearing. I really need to get a camera with faster shutter speed so he doesn't have time to recognize my evil picture taking plans.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Toddler or Puppy - is there really a difference?
Have you ever wondered what the difference is between human babies and puppies? I'm beginning to think that the answer is NOT MUCH. See if any of these ring a bell...
1. They chew on everything
2. They have trouble walking in a straight line at first
3. They knock things over
4. They get into the trash can
5. They pee when/where they're not supposed to
6. They can only tell you what they want through crying
7. They accidentally injure those they love
I'm sure you were nodding along in agreement up until #7...let me explain. Last week, Aunt Jo called us to tell us that she had a black eye. And no, unlike Michelle on the Bachelor, how it came about was NOT a mystery. Turns out her 7 mo. old "puppy" Hershey the newfoundland had gotten himself all caught up in a ball of knitting yarn and was THRASHING all about. When Jo went to untangle him, chaos ensued, and he head butted her smack dab in the eye. Looked like someone had hit her square in the eye. Now, you're probably thinking "what does that have to do with toddlers?"
Well, Wednesday night, Casey, Robert and I were playing tickle time on the bed. Tickle time always brings peals of laughter and much flopping about by the Casey man. It is our evening ritual that happens shortly after the boys get home. Well, instead of flopping, HE decided to head butt me square in the nose. Much swelling ensued, along with a short debate about whether I should have it looked at. Casey, no worse for wear.
And, there you have it...toddlers and puppies are exactly the same.
On another note, we are up to 16 teeth, which REALLY explains Grumpy McGrumpypants. Last night we were playing in the tickle zone, the ultimate way to get Casey to open his mouth and show off the chompers, when lo and behold, we spotted the top two molars that erupted. All that are left are his very back molars, which are not supposed to come in until two years. We can only hope that Casey is going to get a reprieve from all the pain. He has been one clingy, grumpy, unhappy boy lately (for good reason).
1. They chew on everything
2. They have trouble walking in a straight line at first
3. They knock things over
4. They get into the trash can
5. They pee when/where they're not supposed to
6. They can only tell you what they want through crying
7. They accidentally injure those they love
I'm sure you were nodding along in agreement up until #7...let me explain. Last week, Aunt Jo called us to tell us that she had a black eye. And no, unlike Michelle on the Bachelor, how it came about was NOT a mystery. Turns out her 7 mo. old "puppy" Hershey the newfoundland had gotten himself all caught up in a ball of knitting yarn and was THRASHING all about. When Jo went to untangle him, chaos ensued, and he head butted her smack dab in the eye. Looked like someone had hit her square in the eye. Now, you're probably thinking "what does that have to do with toddlers?"
Well, Wednesday night, Casey, Robert and I were playing tickle time on the bed. Tickle time always brings peals of laughter and much flopping about by the Casey man. It is our evening ritual that happens shortly after the boys get home. Well, instead of flopping, HE decided to head butt me square in the nose. Much swelling ensued, along with a short debate about whether I should have it looked at. Casey, no worse for wear.
And, there you have it...toddlers and puppies are exactly the same.
On another note, we are up to 16 teeth, which REALLY explains Grumpy McGrumpypants. Last night we were playing in the tickle zone, the ultimate way to get Casey to open his mouth and show off the chompers, when lo and behold, we spotted the top two molars that erupted. All that are left are his very back molars, which are not supposed to come in until two years. We can only hope that Casey is going to get a reprieve from all the pain. He has been one clingy, grumpy, unhappy boy lately (for good reason).
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Fourteen, fourteen teeth...ha ha ha
Yes, that's right, somehow in the excitement of eating, crawling, and walking...I forgot to give the tooth update. Casey is up to 14 teeth, including 2 dreaded molars. After they are all fully in, he'll have everything but top molars and back bottom molars.
Right now, he is looking a little like the Count...since all you can see of his top cuspids are sharp vampire points.
And you may ask, for what does he use these teeth??? Well, last night, he finally conceded and tried something I made him homemade. AND, it was meat no less. Robert and I were having chicken cordon bleu. So, I cut a few pieces of mini nuggets and breaded them with bread crumbs and parmesan. And guess what, after a few reject bites, and being left alone with them and no fruit on his plate, he actually ate a few bites of homemade chicken nuggets!
Small victories!
Right now, he is looking a little like the Count...since all you can see of his top cuspids are sharp vampire points.
And you may ask, for what does he use these teeth??? Well, last night, he finally conceded and tried something I made him homemade. AND, it was meat no less. Robert and I were having chicken cordon bleu. So, I cut a few pieces of mini nuggets and breaded them with bread crumbs and parmesan. And guess what, after a few reject bites, and being left alone with them and no fruit on his plate, he actually ate a few bites of homemade chicken nuggets!
Small victories!
Snowmaggedon 2011
Last week's snow storm is the perfect example of first time parent syndrome attacks. Thursday afternoon Robert and Casey made it safely home around 3:30 pm, before the massive commute disaster occured. We were tucked in safely for the night, just waiting for the snow to begin, foolishly thinking that the snow would come and the roads would be clear in the morning to get Casey to daycare.
Silly us, things were going fine until 7:30 when we heard a HUGE explosion and saw red light reflecting in the snow falling outside. Then, the power went out. And stayed out.
First time mom here decided it was time to panic! I wasn't worried about how cold I would be during the night, but how Casey would manage. So, after much panic, and no news of when we would get power, we cozied Casey into footed fleece pajamas, covered him with a blanket, and put him to bed.
3am rolls around, and I wake up. Note: Casey did not wake me up, I woke up on my own, stressed out. I went in to check in on him, since well, the condo was getting chilly. He was still covered by the blanket and sleeping soundly. So, I tried to go back to sleep. And tossed, and turned, and tossed and turned. I finally got back to sleep around 5am. At 6am, when Casey woke up, we still had no power, BUT, daycare was open as the roads had cleared up. So, we decided to pack everyone up and go to Robert's office where we could all work, and Casey could go to daycare.
And, Casey, warm and snug as a bug in his footed jammers. His face and hands were nice and warm. He, however, was cranky that there was no light and couldn't have his morning books. So, he got a great night's sleep and I stayed up tossing and turning. Silly, silly me.
Our power came on in time for us to head home for the night and give us a chance to break out our inflatable sled for Casey. Here's a video of him "sledding" in the snow outside our house.
Silly us, things were going fine until 7:30 when we heard a HUGE explosion and saw red light reflecting in the snow falling outside. Then, the power went out. And stayed out.
First time mom here decided it was time to panic! I wasn't worried about how cold I would be during the night, but how Casey would manage. So, after much panic, and no news of when we would get power, we cozied Casey into footed fleece pajamas, covered him with a blanket, and put him to bed.
3am rolls around, and I wake up. Note: Casey did not wake me up, I woke up on my own, stressed out. I went in to check in on him, since well, the condo was getting chilly. He was still covered by the blanket and sleeping soundly. So, I tried to go back to sleep. And tossed, and turned, and tossed and turned. I finally got back to sleep around 5am. At 6am, when Casey woke up, we still had no power, BUT, daycare was open as the roads had cleared up. So, we decided to pack everyone up and go to Robert's office where we could all work, and Casey could go to daycare.
And, Casey, warm and snug as a bug in his footed jammers. His face and hands were nice and warm. He, however, was cranky that there was no light and couldn't have his morning books. So, he got a great night's sleep and I stayed up tossing and turning. Silly, silly me.
Our power came on in time for us to head home for the night and give us a chance to break out our inflatable sled for Casey. Here's a video of him "sledding" in the snow outside our house.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
I am Casey, hear me roar! And jabber, and scream like a teradactyl. Casey has most definitely found his voice. He has moved from Hi, to Cat, to Uh-Oh. Lately, Uh-Oh is his favorite word. Sometimes, we get a word that really means something, and other times, we get rapid, cave-man pointing and screeching. Hard to imagine when you're looking at the cute pictures below.

We were able to find this cute bear suit at Old Navy before the holidays. I ask myself, how much longer can we dress him in a bear suit before it becomes undignified? Right now, still super cute...
As was the trend with infancy, Casey is still rejecting all homemade "mommy" food, in typical toddler fashion. He gives me little glimmers of hope when he eats a piece of cooked vegetables from whatever we've cooked, but he has yet to embrace an entire meal now that he has decided he does not like spaghetti anymore - our old faithful. We are still trending towards a little vegetarian, who continues to reject most meat. He did eat a small piece of panko breaded chicken with parmesan the other day, so that was a small highlight. Thankfully, he does love his fruit and yogurt, so he's getting plenty of good vitamins. Although, on New Year's Weekend, he did eat a homemade puff pastry with spinach and gruyere. So, there is hope!
He is now running everywhere he can, and stumbling only occassionally. It is sad when he gets tired and does a face plant, but our fearless boy just gets up and keeps going.
We were able to find this cute bear suit at Old Navy before the holidays. I ask myself, how much longer can we dress him in a bear suit before it becomes undignified? Right now, still super cute...
He is now running everywhere he can, and stumbling only occassionally. It is sad when he gets tired and does a face plant, but our fearless boy just gets up and keeps going.
We had an interesting food adventure the other night. We wanted to take Casey to a restaurant where he could be entertained, so we could have a nice meal ourselves. So, we thought Benihana! Well, apparently, there is an age range that works for Benihana - and that range is any age BEFORE they are old enough to know what is going on, and AFTER they are able to be aware of fire. When the chef came to start, and he began banging the cooking tools on the cooktop, Casey looked a little skeptical. Then, when the chef lit up the table with fire, everything fell apart. We saw Casey afraid for only the second time in his life. Poor little guy, I haven't seen tears like that come out of our little man. Needless to say, we didn't have any more fire at dinner that night. And, after some time cozying up to his daddy, he did finally become entertained by the rest of the chopping and cooking.
Our little man has FINALLY hit 20lbs, so one of these days, he will get to be a front-facing boy!
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